Fikra is the IT system for managing ideas and innovations of employees within a company. It makes it possible to carry out a full cycle of innovative activity in business as follows: identify problems and bottlenecks of the company, collect ideas and solutions to these problems, filter them through a multi-stage evaluation and develop best ones to the level of ready-to-implement business concepts. All these actions are carried out by the participants on the principles of collective interaction and crowdsourcing, which allows the most effective use of the power of "collective intelligence" involving employees, customers, partners, etc.
We took into account the accumulated scientific and practical experience in the field of collective technologies in the world while designing Fikra ideas and innovations management platform. We have included into the system a number of innovative techniques and algorithms to simplify the process for participants. The capabilities of information technology, multiplied by the possibilities of "collective intelligence", make a powerful synergistic effect that increases the efficiency of business and reduces its costs. Such approach allows you to make working in the system interesting, and the results of this work are the utmost verified and justified.
Fikra platform is used both for crowdsourcing projects to solve specific problems and for continuous improvement processes inside the company.
A unique approach that allows to get AI score for every idea immediately after submition.
Every topic can have its own idea submition form with variety of tools:
Automatic search of similar ideas to exclude duplicates
The easiest crowdsourcing-based method to divide ideas to promising and unpromising
A unique stage of algorithmic-based idea pairs generation which can be used for any number of ideas
Anti-flood approach based on users ratings that brings opportunity for collective development of ideas
Employees can apply for idea teams and do teamwork for developing ideas thereafter
Expert work based on votes distribution among most promising ideas
Expert idea evaluation by customizable criteria
Special statistically proved algorythms that analize expert votes and detect divergences
Special multiplier, based on previous experts' work, that increases impact on all types of evaluation for accurate experts and decreases impact for inaccurate ones
Various types of graphic and table reports, dashboards, downloads and more
For every idea management topic you can choose between "shower" flow of ideas and "stages-oriented" flow.
Run 100+ idea topics and challanges simultaneously with customizable access to every topic
You can choose between pre-modaration when all ideas go through moderators who can return them to authors or post-moderation
The most advanced motivation system including users/ideas ratings, statuses, badges and virtual currency that can be implemented inside HR unit
All common integrations possible with our API including SAP, Active Directory, Sharepoint etc.
Secure all-in-one package installation on your server with integrations needed
Cloud-based hosting of Fikra with all functionality needed
We can execute 2-6 months idea management project to solve specific client's problems
We provide special services based on Fikra to meet public authorities needs and involve people